We are looking for great volunteers for Horizon 2025. This is a unique way for individuals who love the Lord to serve this summer. Details about individual positions are listed below. After you read through the different staff positions, you can click on the "Staff Application" link in the menu. All approved staff must attend a mandatory orientation and training on the afternoon and evening of June 21. Do not apply if you cannot attend Saturday orientation.

Camp Counselors
Our counselors are mentors and guides to our students. They are asked to serve students wholeheartedly and model Christ-like attitudes, behavior, speech and dress. All counselors are required to undergo pre-camp training. Counselors are teamed up to work together to assure the care and well-being of each student in their group. They are to be spiritual role models.
Support Staff
Our support staff help with all of the behind-the-scenes things which happen at camp. They are asked to serve students and counselors wholeheartedly and be Christ-like in everything they do. Support staff members help the counselors while we are in the dorms, set-up and clean-up after events, manage Camp Central, and anything else needed to make camp a great experience for everyone. Support staff are typically adults, and cannot bring younger children to camp with them. Limited support staff positions available.
Director's Assistants
Selected by the Camp Director to assist in the daily operations of camp. Please apply for a support staff position and notate that you have been asked to apply as a DA. Limited positions available. This is a serving role. DA's work long hours and do much physical labor. This job is not for the weak. You will report only to the Camp Director.

Medical Staff
We need people who are an RN or EMT to help at Horizon. This is a great place to serve if you are qualified, but know the camp clinic is 24 hours a day for the whole week of camp.
Watch Staff
Adult workers willing to work late nights and early morning shifts to keep a watchful eye on our resident halls as well as serve as in other support roles. We love having police officer/law enforcement dads serve in this role as well as dads who are willing to keep watch throughout much of the night.
Other positions at camp include our our Ministry Staff who are in full time Youth Ministry and help plan Horizon. The Horizon Leadership Team will appoint Lead Counselors and Assistant Supervisory staff as needed.
All potential staff must undergo a BACKGROUND check before final approval.